Thursday, April 11, 2013

Video Roundup: Glitch edition

Whenever you find yourself truly immersed into a video game it is easy to forget the amount of coding that was involved into the games creation.  It really is the ultimate goal for a developer to create a world for gamers that allows them to forget that they are simply using a piece of software.  For a few moments a person can transform themselves into warriors, adventurers, pro athletes, fighter pilots, plumbers trying to save princesses, and countless other things.

Occasionally there are things that happen in these adventures that immediately remind us that we are using software.  These things are called glitches.  With all of the code that is needed to create these games, there are bound to be some mistakes along the line.  Some have funny consequences, other can completely ruin the gaming experience.  Here are some examples. 

One of the first games to really showcase an array of glitches was Super Mario Brothers for the NES.  The most commonly known of the glitches shown in the REARN49 video below is a specific jump you can execute in world 1-2.  If executed properly you jumped through the brick wall and into the warp zone.  At that point you had to use the warp zone.  But instead of warping to worlds 1,2,or 3 you went to world -1, a never ending water level that you could never beat.

Since baseball season has just started here is a horrible example of glitches from more recent times.  MLB 2K9 is the source, and EDDIEGGG27 vents a bit of frustration in this complilation.  (Not work friendly audio in this video)

Street Fighter 2 houses several interesting glitches.  But this one is noteworthy due to something horrible happening to E. Honda's gentleman's region.  This one is not for the faint at heart, watch with caution.

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